Dear Kosher Spirit,
Thank you so much for posting the Chernobyler niggun. I’m a chazzan, and I’m going to use it this year during hakafos. I collect niggunim, and I liked the story that went along with it, as well.

Chag Sameach, Yisroel Rosenzweig

Dear Kosher Spirit,
I had an opportunity, over Rosh Hashana, to read through the Kosher Spirit Magazine and thoroughly enjoyed it. The hints for buying fish and the recipes were wonderful. The Chassidic insights into Simchat Torah were a pleasure to read.
For twenty years my husband and I were involved in kiruv and I’ve kashered over 50 homes. OK has been a resource for me in my teaching and I’ve recommended OK to all my ‘families’ as an organization providing up to date information and valuable tips for keeping a kosher home. May I take this opportunity to thank you for all the hard work you do?

Kind Regards, Chana V.

Dear Kosher Spirit,
Thank you so much for those fasting tips. I had the greatest Yom Kippur ever.
Yasher koach to a publication that not only helps you eat right, but helps you fast well, too!

Regards, A Happy Faster Dear Kosher Spirit,

Kdos on your Rosh Hashanah issue, it was one of the most informative Kosher Spirit issues in recent months.
With regards to the article, “Getting Ahead of a Fish,” I was wondering if there are any concerns with canned salmon and canned sardines? These were not addressed in the article and I was wondering if there is anything I must be careful of.

Sincerely, David Levine

Rabbi Hanoka responds
Canned salmon requires a reliable hechsher and must be Bishul Yisroel. It does not require a mashgiach temidi, since the distinctive pink color of salmon is a sign of kashrus. Canned sardines, on the other hand, need a reliable hechsher to certify that the processing is done under kosher conditions. Canned sardines do not need a mashgiach temidi, because the skin is left on the fish, and according to most Rabbonim, sardines do not require Bishul Yisroel since they are such small fish and not considered of a royal nature.

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