RULES OF SEDERKU: The Sederku grid is divided into nine blocks, each containing nine squares. Each of the nine blocks has to contain all nine Pesach images within its squares. Each image can only appear once in a row, column or box. The difficulty lies in that each vertical nine-square column, or horizontal nine-square line across, within the larger square, must also contain the nine images, without repetition or omission. The puzzle has just one correct solution.

Shavuos Essay Contest
When Hashem gave the Torah to the Jewish people, He asked for guarantors. The adults first offered Avrohom, Yitzchok, and Yaakov as guarantors, but Hashem did not agree. Then, the adults offered the children as guarantors, and Hashem accepted the offer. What does it mean to be a guarantor of the Torah? As a guarantor, why is kosher so important?
Please submit a 1-2 page essay, either typed or neatly handwritten. Please include your full name, age, address and phone number with your submission.
The winning essay will, IY"H, be featured in the next issue of Kosher Spirit and the author will receive a $100 gift certificate to Eichler’s Judaica Store. Hatzlocha!